Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring in the city

After a long hiatus, I have taken my first trip back into New York City on  a beautiful spring day!  It was a short trip, but wonderful none the less.  I had lunch with my nephew at Dos Caminos.  A wonderful Mexican restaurant.  He, his mom and I all got quesadillas, but very different ones,  I had a grilled shrimp which was to die for! It was a  crispy flour tortilla, chile-marinated shrimp, mexican cheeses, smoked wild mushrooms and oven-dried tomatoes.  My nephew had the La Cubana quesdallia with herb roasted pork, smoked ham, chihuahua cheese,  and pickled peppers, while my friend had the chicken quesadilla with chipotle barbeque sauce, chihuahua cheese, crema, and pico de gallo.  There was no drinking on this trip bu with 100 tequilas and unique margaritas like prickly pear, I anxiously await a return trip to try them.  The atmosphere was relaxing and mexican themed, service perfect for a business lunch and the crowd and employees pleasant.

We then took advantage of the spring like weather and strolled through Central Park.  The realization of the size of the park has slowly been sinking in.  As many times as I have been in the park, I have yet to begin to discover the wonder and beauty of it.  I have a goal of seeing as much of it as I can this spring.  I actually as embarrassed to say that this trip was the first time I saw the legendary imagine stone in the park.  It was being tended to by a gentleman who was placing roses and keeping debris off it.  The was a silence that fell over that area of the park.  I was honored to have seen it and excited for the other beautiful spots yet to be discovered.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow days and the city

Last week the weather called for a blizzard.  Now, I am old enough to remember the blizzard of 1978.  That was a blizzard.  This last bit of snow was a good old fashioned storm.  My first instinct was to get on a train and be stranded in Manhattan.  Transportation wouldn't matter, you can walk anywhere.  What better place to be involved in my two favorite things, New York City and snow!  Family members on the other hand proved to be a thorn in my side, the voice of reason, stripping the spontaneity right out of me.  Home bound it was.  I would make a fire in the fire place, put on a good movie, wrap myself in a blanket and wait to be "snowed in".  Weather men seem to have gotten much worse with all the hew technology at their disposal.  We did get snow, maybe 3 inches, and an occasional gust of wind.  The worst of the storm was suppose to be between 1pm and 5pm.  I waited for the thunder snow that was called for, the blizzard like conditions, but instead I was left sitting in my chair gazing out the window repeating over and over, I should have gone to NY.  I need to learn to trust my gut on these decisions.  I need to not second guess my desire to be in certain places at certain times.  I was going to head into the city today, but I think I will wait till after the snow storm and venture in in Wed, maybe catch a play or go to the museums.  Mondays will be saved for days a bit warmer when wandering aimlessly can be a bit more pleasant.

Monday, February 8, 2010

New York to Aspen ,Co

Yes, you read this right.  I have forgone a few trips into the city, so I may take part in this exciting adventure my family has planned.  The winter X-games in Aspen Colorado.  My family, consisting of all men, has brought me along on endless guy trips disguised as family trips. They started out simple enough, a trip to Florida in the early spring to watch a friend race motocross, then on to Disney.  I can do this, a few hours of a sport that my boys love. It then evolved into camping trips with the whole weekend wrapped around the sport. Do not misunderstand, I enjoyed spending time with my family and friends, but there were times I longed for a tropical, do nothing vacations.  I would not change a thing, those events provide a great deal of happy memories for us. Sadly, a serious crash left our dear friend paralyzed and re evaluating his pursuit of these extreme sports.  Three years later my family once again planned our vacation around this incredible man.  He decided to participate in the winter x-games this year in Aspen Colorado.  They now have an adaptive event and he participated in the adaptive snowcross, bringing home a bronze medal.  It was inspiring to watch and we were glad to be there.  My oldest son had just finished film school and had a media pass to film the event while my middle son was represent two athletes his company, HEAL Clothing,  sponsors.  It is a wonderful company that helps extreme athletes live by donating a portion BEFORE profit to organizations and charities that provide care and monetary support for injured athletes. 
Aspen proved to be exciting, beautiful, fun, exhausting, and a bit disappointing.    Let me explain.  I am the type of person who gets a minds vision of places I have heard about but never been.  While Aspen was beautiful, it did not come close to what I pictured in my mind. I actually thought the out lying areas of Aspen offered a bit more scenery and diversity.  Buttermilk mountain was small, and although a back injury kept me from skiing or snowboarding, I did take the chair lift to the upper lodge and met my family and friends for lunch.  Breathtaking views were all around and the weather was beautiful.  My husband and I took a day to sight see. We drove into the mountains, found some dude ranches, historic towns, cute shops and sensational views.  We saw an eagle swoop down along a rivers edge but I was to busy admiring it's beauty and chose not to take my eyes off it for the brief time it would be in sight to capture it on film, instead it is etched in my memory.  Each night friends and family gathered in the rental home for a great dinner and talk about the days events.  We looked at photos taken, watched some of the games on TV, played some games and generally laughed and had a great time.  These are the things we will remember when we grow old.  These are the times our children young and old will look back on fondly and will  put a smile in their hearts.   Life is short and we must create as many happy memories that will help carry those left after we are gone. I am grateful that I spent this time with my family and friends.  It was a new experience that we all discovered together.  This is what life is about. family, friends, and memories.  Next week, barring no unforeseen events popping up, I will be heading back into New York City.  Be sure to check back and see where I decide to go,you never know what I may stumble upon.  Until then, may your days be filled with peace, love and memories!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Derailed once again

Determination should count for something.  My mind seems to wander with ways to get to New York.  A little herniated disc should not stop someone from their divine quest for metro satisfaction.  My heart belongs to New York, but my body has different plans.  Oh sure, after a trip to the doctors an MRI and a steroid pack, I feel a bit better, but time is now the robber of my escape from the daily routine.  I must prepare for an adventure that is bittersweet.  I will be exploring a place I have never been to before, Aspen, Colorado with my family and a few friends.  Sounds wonderful,  exciting.  Aspen in the winter!  A skiers (or snowboarders) dream.  I, however will not be participating in any of these sports, I have been advised to "take it very easy".  My two sons however, will be snowboarding, watching sports, photographing and videotaping all the action, and hopefully having an experience of a lifetime.  I am thankful that  our relationship has reached the level of both parent/child and friends, it makes life so much more pleasant.  I will enjoy their company,  investigate the area and search out the quaint shops and wonderful restaurants,  armed with my camera in a feeble attempt to capture the beauty of the land and festivities around me.  I am regretful that I have once again missed my weekly New York pilgrimage.  I am forever grateful for the opportunity that has presented itself to me and vow to make it the best trip I can.  After all, New York will always be there with all its sparkle; but Aspen, with my family, that may be once in a lifetime and I am not about to pass on an opportunity to create new memories that will carry us into the future and keep us warm on a  cold winter night.  Aspen has its work cut out for it, but no matter the outcome, the challenge will be fun.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Braving the cold with Wishful Drinking

Running to catch the train I can't help but wonder, where in the world my debit card could be.  If I had know the answer to this question, I would be reading the paper and sipping coffee while waiting for the 11:18 train to New York City.  Instead, it was a mad dash to the station, running through the halls arriving with barely enough time to purchase my ticket and walk onto the train. I could look at this one of two ways.  Either, it was a sign to stay home, or I was meant to go.  I chose the latter.

As I settled into my seat, I reconsidered my last minute decision of leaving the warmth of my home for the harsh winter air of the city.  It was freezing out, I was exhausted, and not in a very good mood; a recipe for disaster.  A few minutes into the ride I began to relax. I turned on my ipod, listened to some Jack Johnson to calm my nerves and knew my debit card was bound to show up somewhere, a pocket, my desk, it always does.  I was prepared for the harsh weather, thought of a backup plan  if the play was sold out and wondered where I might find to eat lunch since during my morning frenzy I skipped breakfast and was now starving. 
Upon arriving in Grand Central I noticed an increase in the security, rather than worrying about it, I felt calmed by their presence, these brave men and woman were stationed to protect me, something I have been searching for lately in my life.  I decided to head right to the box office and secure my ticket for the play Wishful Drinking starring Carrie Fisher.  Why Princess Leia you may ask?  Playbill.com provided cheap tickets.  Simple as that.  Nothing profound, I read reviews that said it was funny and I was in a desperate need for some laughter.  I began once again to question my decision as I walked the cold, windy streets towards Studio 54.  My mood was not lending its self to coping, I wanted to be sheltered. Along the way I encountered a rather strange sight.  Airline seats on 50th Street.  Just lined up along side a building.  It made me chuckle, really, where else would you see something like that?  Only in New York!  I was beginning to get a good feeling about my escapade.

I continued on to Studio 54, happy to be able to experience this iconic theater.  The lobby was inviting and the poster for the play deepened my security that I had made the right choice. After purchasing my last row ticket, I wandered the area in search of nourishment.  I walked past the Stage Deli, avoiding it because I mistakenly thought of it as a tourist trap.  The second time around, self preservation kicked in the and I hesitantly wandered in seating myself at the bar, I was pleasantly surprised when it not only provided warmth and a great omelet, but three unexpected friends.

Carlos the bartender and Jerry the waiter were very surprised to learn that the woman sitting next to me was not only also from CT, but going to see Wishful Drinking when she was done eating her omelet.  The coincidence of this was hysterical to our bartender/waiter. Nancy was from Greenwhich and she came into the city quite often alone to shop and see plays. We discussed theatre, the weather and New Yorkers.  Carlos had seen Wishful Drinking and promised not only would I love it, but I would laugh throughout most of it.  This was what my trips to New York were about.  Finding the hidden gems, the unexpected, the local flavor of a city that seems overwhelming.  Mission accomplished within a hour of being here.

With a newly energized body and mind, I paid my bill and headed off to see Wishful Drinking.  Carlos informed me of his favorite line in the play and invited me to stop in after wards for some cheesecake and my review of the play.  The weather was brisk to say the least and my one block walk to the theater seemed like an eternity.  I found my seat and was surprised that $29.00 actually provided a decent seat.  I was presented with yet another unexpected surprise.  As the play began, some of us were invited down to fill in the empty seats.  I now had a great, front row balcony seat to what turned out to be one of the best plays I have seen in a long time.

Ms. Fisher makes her entrance barefoot, covered in sparkles, wearing black silk pajamas.  She sings Happy Days are here again as she makes her way down to the front row tossing confetti onto unsuspecting play goers.  She then begins to explain why she choose a narcissist move like a self indulging play at this point in her life.  "If my life wasn't funny, it would just be true, and that would be tragic". I think many of us can relate to that quote. With the ice broken she then begins the journey of her life as she remembers it.  Holding nothing back and delving into areas that would be tragic if not for Ms Fishers outlook, she makes the audience laugh for the next 3 hours.  She explains her Star Wars days, gives the audience a lesson complete with chalk board on Hollywood inbreeding 101, and talks about her addictions and the consequences of them.  I did not learn alot about Carrie Fishers life, it has all been covered by the news media throughout the years, but what I did learn was about the person behind the news, the emotions and truth that led her to stand before me talking about subjects that most would be uncomfortable with,  yet making me feel relaxed and even laugh with her about these events.  This was not only talent, but a person who I believe was sincere in her therapeutic need to talk about her life and give an accurate portrayal of her life as she knew it.

Rejuvenated from the energy of the play and laughing so much, I bundle up and decide I must go and share my experience with Carlos and Jerry.  As I sit down at the bar Carlos informs me that immediately after I walked out John McEnroe sat right next to where I was sitting at lunch.  Regardless of your like or dislike of tennis, sitting next to someone as controversial and famous as John McEnroe would have been exciting.  Maybe next time, after all a few months ago I did bump into Ted Danson.  I ordered coffee and cheesecake and we discussed the play.  I shared one of my favorite lines from the play with them.  George Lucas informed Carrie Fisher that she could not wear a bra under her costume because "There is no underwear in space!"  Evidently, he said it with such conviction that she wondered how he could know this.  We ended up talking about  photography, travel, and family.  It amazes me that people think of New Yorker as cold people.  I have always found New Yorkers to be warm, friendly, and helpful and believe that it is the tourist who have these preconceived notions about New Yorkers and do not give them the chance to show their true personalities.

After saying goodbye to Carlos and Jerry and promising to stop in again I bundle up and prepare to face the bitter cold.  The wind had died down and it was not as threatening as I had thought it would be.  I decided to walk back to the train station rather than take the subway.  As I walked down 5th Avenue, I noticed the street lined with school buses and custom buses.  What I had never realized was that when the jewelry row closes, the owners and workers have these buses waiting for them to take them home.  Just a bit of trivia I thought I would share.  Most of the city's Christmas lights were still lit up which gave off a warm glow and as I approached Radio City I hung a left on the chance that Rockefeller Center might still be decorated.  What a pleasant surprise to turn the corner and see the tree still decked in all its grandeur but without the crowds.  I walked around enjoying the beauty and offering my photography skills to families and couples,okay, I just push the button on their cameras.   As I started to walk away, I heard cheering, I turned and saw a couple, alone,  out on the ice rink, with the man down on one knee.  It was a touching, perfect, romantic New York moment that I was glad to have witnessed and a great way to end my day.  Oh, and my debit card was found, things really do work them selves out, you just have to let life happen and some of your best experiences will follow.

Monday, November 30, 2009

The tragedy of sanity

All weekend, I looked forward to getting back into the city.  I debated the sanity of trekking the streets in a boot with an injured foot.  It does not hurt nearly as much as it has, the swelling is gone and although my pace may be slow the biggest obstacle is the uncomfortable weight of the boot and a bit of back and hip pain from walking uneven.  My decision, go, explore but keep the walking experience limited.  I came up with  the perfect plan-Grand Central Terminal!  As many times as I have traveled through the halls,  grab a snack for the ride home, passed by the holiday boutiques and looked up at the beautiful ceiling display as I ran to catch the train home-I have never explored all the rich history or unique shopping and dining events that happen on a daily basis.  The weather planned to be blustery so I was very proud of my idea.  Bring my camera, get some Christmas shopping done, minimal walking, eat somewhere new and discover the uniqueness of Grand Central.  Perfect plan.
As I write this, I should be on the train heading off for my picture perfect day at Grand Central Terminal.  Somewhere during the night, I was robbed.  Sleep did not come to me until six in the morning and only lasted 2 hours.  During the night a sleep deprived brain talked some sanity into this mind.  Christmas is right around the corner, my four year old grandson is coming to stay with us this weekend, I have graduation party, candle lighting and Christmas party to plan.  I am going to need my foot to be strong, walkable and reliable.  So, once again, my New York adventure will wait.  I still love the idea of spending a day inside Grand Central and will certainly do that this winter, more than likely on a very cold, wintry day when the thought of being outside seems excruciating.  I will take it easy this week, decorate, and prepare for the up coming festivities and the non stop activity of my grandsons visit.  Next week I will travel into the city, the tree will be lit and it will be full of Christmas spirit and life.  I am not sure what I will do, but you can be certain I will be sharing my experience.