Tuesday, December 22, 2009

B&H, Carmines and the tree, Perfect!

  I have missed my trips into the city and the comfortable peaceful feeling that accompanied me while exploring the uniqueness of New York.  My foot has been a huge setback but for once I am trying to let it heal so I will not suffer more in the future.  I could not imagine getting through this Christmas without seeing the most beautiful tree in the world.  My oldest son graduated last weekend with a degree in film making.  When he called to see if I would like to go into the city and help him look at cameras at one of my favorite store, B & H Photo and video I felt like a kid waiting to go to the toy store.  I immediately put my brain into high gear.  Walking a lot was out of the question, eating at Carmines and seeing the tree were traditional tourist holiday musts.  My husband wanted to join us even though New York is not a favorite destination of his. I was glad he choose to after much debate, it has been a while since he has seen the tree and his company is usually joyful. 

The next day, we set off around lunch time, drove straight to B & H.  We wandered, played and found the camera David wanted.  After a few hours, we drove to times square, parked the car and walked a very short distance to Carmines.  It was just about five o'clock so we beat the rush.  Carmines salad, fried calamari and penne vodka was shared and enjoyed by the three of us.  

We were happy, full and ready to walk to Rockefeller Center to take in the sights.  The weather was beautiful-warm and calm.  We strolled down 5th avenue soaking up the spirit of the season.  The tree was beautiful!  The prettiest one I have seen in years.  I can not pinpoint what it was about it, maybe there were more lights than normal.  It seemed to just sparkle like I have never seen.  I could have stayed there all night but my two companions did not feel the same way I did about the magic of New York.  Being grateful to have made it in and experienced at least some of the sights, we headed home, full and happy. There is always next year!

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