Monday, November 30, 2009

The tragedy of sanity

All weekend, I looked forward to getting back into the city.  I debated the sanity of trekking the streets in a boot with an injured foot.  It does not hurt nearly as much as it has, the swelling is gone and although my pace may be slow the biggest obstacle is the uncomfortable weight of the boot and a bit of back and hip pain from walking uneven.  My decision, go, explore but keep the walking experience limited.  I came up with  the perfect plan-Grand Central Terminal!  As many times as I have traveled through the halls,  grab a snack for the ride home, passed by the holiday boutiques and looked up at the beautiful ceiling display as I ran to catch the train home-I have never explored all the rich history or unique shopping and dining events that happen on a daily basis.  The weather planned to be blustery so I was very proud of my idea.  Bring my camera, get some Christmas shopping done, minimal walking, eat somewhere new and discover the uniqueness of Grand Central.  Perfect plan.
As I write this, I should be on the train heading off for my picture perfect day at Grand Central Terminal.  Somewhere during the night, I was robbed.  Sleep did not come to me until six in the morning and only lasted 2 hours.  During the night a sleep deprived brain talked some sanity into this mind.  Christmas is right around the corner, my four year old grandson is coming to stay with us this weekend, I have graduation party, candle lighting and Christmas party to plan.  I am going to need my foot to be strong, walkable and reliable.  So, once again, my New York adventure will wait.  I still love the idea of spending a day inside Grand Central and will certainly do that this winter, more than likely on a very cold, wintry day when the thought of being outside seems excruciating.  I will take it easy this week, decorate, and prepare for the up coming festivities and the non stop activity of my grandsons visit.  Next week I will travel into the city, the tree will be lit and it will be full of Christmas spirit and life.  I am not sure what I will do, but you can be certain I will be sharing my experience.

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