Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rainy days and New York

Well, last night I was excited to take my second discovery trip into the city.  This time I was heading to Greenwich Village.  To Jacques Torres Chocolates to be exact.  I even went and bought some great walking shoes for my new adventures.  I studied the subway system and I was ready to go exploring.  Then came this morning.  Rain.  Now, I know what you are thinking, what New Yorker would let a little rain stop them.  Reality, I am not a New Yorker, I am a middle aged woman who has not quite embraced all the elements of my quest.
My dilemma; I have made a pact with myself to go into the city once a week and now barely into week two it looks as if I might have to bail on this week.  I am hosting a party Friday, bringing my dad to his doctors on Thursday, have committed to plans for Saturday, and Wednesdays weather looks even more miserable than today.   I am going to try and make it in on Sunday. I now realize, that I will be needing the proper gear to be a true local.  My next purchase, a raincoat!
Wish me luck on my search for the proper attire.

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