Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow days and the city

Last week the weather called for a blizzard.  Now, I am old enough to remember the blizzard of 1978.  That was a blizzard.  This last bit of snow was a good old fashioned storm.  My first instinct was to get on a train and be stranded in Manhattan.  Transportation wouldn't matter, you can walk anywhere.  What better place to be involved in my two favorite things, New York City and snow!  Family members on the other hand proved to be a thorn in my side, the voice of reason, stripping the spontaneity right out of me.  Home bound it was.  I would make a fire in the fire place, put on a good movie, wrap myself in a blanket and wait to be "snowed in".  Weather men seem to have gotten much worse with all the hew technology at their disposal.  We did get snow, maybe 3 inches, and an occasional gust of wind.  The worst of the storm was suppose to be between 1pm and 5pm.  I waited for the thunder snow that was called for, the blizzard like conditions, but instead I was left sitting in my chair gazing out the window repeating over and over, I should have gone to NY.  I need to learn to trust my gut on these decisions.  I need to not second guess my desire to be in certain places at certain times.  I was going to head into the city today, but I think I will wait till after the snow storm and venture in in Wed, maybe catch a play or go to the museums.  Mondays will be saved for days a bit warmer when wandering aimlessly can be a bit more pleasant.

Monday, February 8, 2010

New York to Aspen ,Co

Yes, you read this right.  I have forgone a few trips into the city, so I may take part in this exciting adventure my family has planned.  The winter X-games in Aspen Colorado.  My family, consisting of all men, has brought me along on endless guy trips disguised as family trips. They started out simple enough, a trip to Florida in the early spring to watch a friend race motocross, then on to Disney.  I can do this, a few hours of a sport that my boys love. It then evolved into camping trips with the whole weekend wrapped around the sport. Do not misunderstand, I enjoyed spending time with my family and friends, but there were times I longed for a tropical, do nothing vacations.  I would not change a thing, those events provide a great deal of happy memories for us. Sadly, a serious crash left our dear friend paralyzed and re evaluating his pursuit of these extreme sports.  Three years later my family once again planned our vacation around this incredible man.  He decided to participate in the winter x-games this year in Aspen Colorado.  They now have an adaptive event and he participated in the adaptive snowcross, bringing home a bronze medal.  It was inspiring to watch and we were glad to be there.  My oldest son had just finished film school and had a media pass to film the event while my middle son was represent two athletes his company, HEAL Clothing,  sponsors.  It is a wonderful company that helps extreme athletes live by donating a portion BEFORE profit to organizations and charities that provide care and monetary support for injured athletes. 
Aspen proved to be exciting, beautiful, fun, exhausting, and a bit disappointing.    Let me explain.  I am the type of person who gets a minds vision of places I have heard about but never been.  While Aspen was beautiful, it did not come close to what I pictured in my mind. I actually thought the out lying areas of Aspen offered a bit more scenery and diversity.  Buttermilk mountain was small, and although a back injury kept me from skiing or snowboarding, I did take the chair lift to the upper lodge and met my family and friends for lunch.  Breathtaking views were all around and the weather was beautiful.  My husband and I took a day to sight see. We drove into the mountains, found some dude ranches, historic towns, cute shops and sensational views.  We saw an eagle swoop down along a rivers edge but I was to busy admiring it's beauty and chose not to take my eyes off it for the brief time it would be in sight to capture it on film, instead it is etched in my memory.  Each night friends and family gathered in the rental home for a great dinner and talk about the days events.  We looked at photos taken, watched some of the games on TV, played some games and generally laughed and had a great time.  These are the things we will remember when we grow old.  These are the times our children young and old will look back on fondly and will  put a smile in their hearts.   Life is short and we must create as many happy memories that will help carry those left after we are gone. I am grateful that I spent this time with my family and friends.  It was a new experience that we all discovered together.  This is what life is about. family, friends, and memories.  Next week, barring no unforeseen events popping up, I will be heading back into New York City.  Be sure to check back and see where I decide to go,you never know what I may stumble upon.  Until then, may your days be filled with peace, love and memories!